Public relations (PR) is one of the most effective yet underutilized marketing strategies available to businesses. An intentional PR campaign can help you communicate what your business does while building credibility and awareness with potential customers.

Rather than paying for advertising, PR utilizes the third-party endorsement effect. When journalists and media outlets cover your business, it lends an air of authority and legitimacy to your brand that paid ads can’t replicate.

Coverage in trade publications, local newspapers, blogs and other online media establishes you as an industry leader and thought leader.
Getting press takes work, but it pays off in many ways.

Here are some of the top benefits of a proactive PR strategy:

Reach Target Audiences Through Trade and Technical Media
Industry-specific publications are read by your ideal customers, who are actively seeking solutions to the problems you solve. Getting covered in relevant trade magazines, newsletters, and websites positions you as an expert while introducing your business to qualified leads in your niche.

Build Local Awareness and Trust
Local newspapers, TV and radio stations want to cover interesting businesses and stories happening in their communities. This type of coverage helps potential clients get to know, like, and trust you as someone who can help their local business. It also raises your profile among local influencers and decision-makers.
Gain National and Global Exposure

Larger media outlets are always on the hunt for unique stories and perspectives. If your business offers a novel solution, service, or point of view, national and global coverage can dramatically expand your reach and credibility.

Enhance Search Engine Optimization
Links and mentions from third-party websites, especially authoritative domain names, pass link equity and ranking power to your website. The more relevant sites link to and cover your business, the higher your organic search rankings will climb over time.

Support Social Media Marketing and Engagement
When traditional media covers your business, you gain new content to share across social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This sparks engagement as your connections and followers interact with and share the coverage. It also gives you new assets for social ads and organic posts over time.
The key is pitching stories that address real problems in compelling ways.

Some story ideas to pursue include:

  • Industry trends reports and forecasts
  • Case studies on clients who achieved success using your solutions
  • Expert commentary on current events or common challenges in your field
  • Human interest pieces highlighting the people behind your business
  • New products, services, or partnerships you’ve launched
  • Upcoming events you’re sponsoring or speaking at Milestones, certifications or awards your business has earned

When crafting your pitches, focus on how the story will benefit readers rather than just promoting your company. Provide full details on your angle, any relevant statistics or data, sources to quote, and high-res images if applicable. Follow up respectfully if you don’t receive an immediate response.

Should you employ a professional?

While you can conduct PR yourself, working with a specialised firm like Results you can measure, offers major advantages:

  • Insider industry connections and media lists
  • Targeted campaign strategies tailored to your goals
  • Templates and tools to simplify your outreach
  • Monitoring and reporting on coverage results
  • Ongoing management so you can focus on your core business

Whether DIY or with agency support, a PR program takes ongoing effort but delivers exponential rewards. It helps spread your message through trusted channels, build brand awareness, and enhance other marketing activities. With the right angles pitched to relevant outlets, PR is a powerful tool for any business looking to communicate what they do and why they matter.

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